Angel Eyes

I have a question

last night I was flipping channels
and came across part of a movie

called Angel Eyes
starring Jennifer Lopez

not my usual cup of tea
but when I flipped on to the channel

she and the lead male character
were in a jazz club waltzing…
and he ends up getting up on stage
and playing this beautiful trumpet/horn piece
accompanied by a flutist.

I have searched high and low
and can’t find the name of the piece.
I did find out that the music
was not played by the actor
but likely by a Toronto Jazz musician named Nick “Brownman” Ali…

anyone have any idea where else I could look? or better yet
what it was called and who played it?

About Wyzwmn

old cranky good pal
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2 Responses to Angel Eyes

  1. Inua ~ phaze says:

    that is EXACTLY how I found or heard Nature boy, exactly. I have been searching for the song ever since, I do not want to buy the album and Itunes and not selling the single.

    did you get it eventually?
    can you by any chance email it to me?


  2. WyzWmn© says:

    @ Inua

    do a search for “nature boy – John Hassell and Ronu Majumdar – turns out I was wrong – it wasn’t Nick Ali…