I learned something…

I learned something this week

We as Canadians are spoiled

we live in a society that has sheltered us
from the dirt and pollution of the real world

We have racism and violence
but it is nothing
compared to the vehemence of beliefs
in other countries

here we are in 2005
and still there are countries where
women and murdered and mutilated
for not being virgins
or for embarrassing their male counter parts

people of ethnicity
are often treated with revulsion
by our brothers and sisters from
the lower 48

imagine being verbally abused
by your customers
every single minute of the day
and not being allowed to refute it
for fear of loosing your job

imagine not being able to
walk out the door on a moonlit night
for fear of retribution
of nothing more than being born
with skin not milquetoast?

We ask Canadians are spoiled
and lucky beyond belief.

About Wyzwmn

old cranky good pal
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