I’m tired
I’m tired of having no job; therefore no income
none – since February
I’m tired of robbing peter
to pay paul
I’m tired of being overqualified
for “would you like fries with that?” jobs
I’m tired of feeling
less than
I’m tired of
being depressed
I’m tired of
being bored
I’m tired of not being able to
meet my financial commitments
I’m tired of not being able
to buy the food I want/need
I’m tired of having to borrow
to pay my rent
I’m tired of being worried
about money
I’m tired of wanting new books
and not affording it
I’m tired of understanding that
there will be no holidays again this year
I’m tired of explaining to bill collectors
that I have no income
I’m tired of hoping
this too shall pass
I’m tired of waiting
for my union and HR to get at it
I’m tired of waiting for
Dr appointments
I’m tired of
I’m tired of feeling
like there is no end in sight
I’m tired of putting on
a stiff upper lip
I’m tired of hiding
so much of this from family and friends
I’m tired