Ancient Riders to Gather

From across the land they travel
From coast to coast they come
Over hill and dale
From mountain and sea
Ancient Riders to Gather

Some fly on wings of metal
Some drive in carriages of steel
Some ride on iron steeds
Some travel short distances and many long miles
Ancient Riders To Gather

Small groups converge
Along the way
Celebration begins,travel is easier
When shared with your tribe
Ancient Riders to Gather

Slowly group joins group
And they travel together
Closer and closer
Larger and larger
Ancient Riders to Gather

Do these wizards and witches
These warriors of the road
When Ancient Riders Gather?

To unity, chosen family and tribe
To kindness, caring and love
To be together
With family of the heart
Ancient Riders to Gather

To share round the fire
Deeds of valor,
horns of mead, stories of the road
drum, dance and song, spells and chants
Ancient Riders Gather

About Wyzwmn

old cranky good pal
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