have you ever found yourself
in the position
to have a friend
really seriously
disappoint you
with their life choices?
what do you do?
do you go
“not my lobster, not my trap”
and move on?
or do you stew
about how completely
their choices are
and how hurtful
they are to most
of the people
around them?
with the understanding
that they are making their choices
win, lose or fail
and it’s really no one’s business
they will suffer the consequences
of these actions
without assistance
from those they have
trying to not
sit in judgement
of someone
is a very hard lesson
for me
to learn
cos I can’t help
but think
stupid is
as stupid does…
and srsly?
why is this
causing me
so much discomfort
because I feel lied to
and taken advantage of
it’s rubbish
that’s what!
<end rant>