During the period of time that Digger(my dad) was sick
and since he died…
I’ve been a bad girl health wise
I stopped taking care of my diabetes
lost my glucose meter
ate whatever I could get my hands on in the way of sweets
and junk
and all round moved
to comfort food…
and lots of it
I’ve had urinary tract infections
so regularly
that I’ve been on antibiotics
at least once a mth
for over a year
and the receptionist at emergency
and I are on a first name basis…
not to mention
the Dr’s
as a result
I’ve just had a series
of the proverbial
“come to jesus” talks
with my internist
I hope I’m smart enough
to stop in time
to keep from having permanently
damaged myself
My doctor has suggested a “Low Fodmap” diet
I’ve been tested
and come back as dairy “intolerant”
wheat intolerant
allergic to capiscum,
allergic to cadmuim
and of course I have diabetes and Crohns
(along with all the other shyte I have
like arthritis, depression, asthma, etc etc etc ad nauseum)
So I’m going to try to do as I’m told….
never an easy task being the product of 2 of the most bullheaded ppl
I’ve ever had the pleasure of coming across LoL
All of this means
all kinds of changes in my life…
and the biggest one so far
is that today
I embarked on an attempt
at being gluten free.
There’s a ton of info
on low fodmap
on the internet…
this is my fav site so far though…
they give you shopping lists
and suggestions
and there’s both paid
and unpaid versions
of support etc.
I don’t buy into
the rah rah
but I’ll take any tips and tricks
that I can use.
Have you ever tasted gluten free bread?
I hear it’s suspiciously like sawdust…
but I had some toasted this morning
disguised by a couple of eggs
and it wasn’t all bad
It wasn’t all good
But it wasn’t all bad
Texture is a funny thing eh?
This low fodmap stuff
is supposed to be beneficial
for ppl with
Croh’s Disease
hyper tension
histamine allergies
(and leave us not forget
“coughs, colds,
sore arseholes
and pimples on your old oiseau!”
a Diggerism )
at first I was worried
that between the diabetes
the loss of dairy and wheat
and crohn’s
I’d likely only be able to eat
but I’m confident
that with the help
of some of the tools I’ve found
that I’ll figure it out.
Wish me luck!