American Sniper….

started watching this movie last night
took me 3 tries to get through it.

here’s what I think:

Although I have not served ( was never healthy enough to get into service). I have a personal ethic of respect for people that give their lives in service to their country and the people in it.

I think that a movie like this…while heartbreaking and very hard to watch, don’t happen often enough…people need to have a clearer understanding on a visceral level what war can and will do to humanity.

I am not glorifying war…I am speaking only about the reality that those that have not served can only imagine.  Every man and woman in North America should thank their lucky stars that there are people willing to do the job knowing full well the consequences…and they should step up to the plate to do whatever is necessary to assist those same people when they come home. What.fucking.ever.

About Wyzwmn

old cranky good pal
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