I spent this past weekend in the hospital with gall bladder issues
I experienced a level of pain I’ve not had in a long time…My brother said that I looked and acted like a woman in labour – couldn’t sit/stand or lay down
Because emergency literally can’t do anything for you except mask/alleviate the pain, they did an ultra sound and showed me how enlarged and angry the gall bladder is…I wanted to kick the Dr in the head it hurt so bad…
They give you lots of fluids (in hopes the stone will flush out of the duct and stop the pain) If it persists they send you to a surgeon and they try blasting the stone with laser. And if that doesn’t work surgery to remove it…Apparently there is a rather long waiting list for surgery…
And apparently I’m lucky in that the morphine they gave me stopped the pain and knocked me out…So they sent me home with some extra morphine and admonished me to drink lots of water. (which I haven’t had to take as yet)
Here’s hoping that doesn’t happen again.
That makes the “sick” list now officially at 22 items:
- Born with pyloric stenosis – first surgery at 21 days
- had endometriosis – seems to have been stopped by hysterectomy
- had a dermoids cyst causing an ovary to be removed
- Had ACL reconstruction couple with Patella/Quadriceps tendon repair
- Experimented with all of the street drugs available until the late 80’s
- Crohn’s Disease
- PTSD (caused by sexual abuse, verbal and physical abuse as well as being stabbed)
- hiatus hernia
- high blood pressure/hypertension
- atherosclerosis
- arthritis
- Cogan’s Dystrophy
- Diabetes Type 2 (insulin dependent)
- Achilles tendinitis as well as right arm to shoulder, right hip and knee
- Morbid Obesity
- Androgenic (idiopathic) Alopecia
- Asthma/Bronchitis
- Capsicum Allergy
- Septic arthritis hips, knees and shoulders
- Gerd
- Gall Bladder isusues
I came to work this morning and found a book on the way in called “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions” for free!
Can’t beat that eh? Seems like it was made for me eh?
So I’m at work today …But I wouldn’t say I’m playing with a completely full deck of cards