I’ve spent a lot of years
chucking crap
about Mother’s Day
being yet another
Halmark Holiday
I’ve come to understand
that my nattering
had a great deal to do
with my not ever having
really been a mother
I didn’t have midnight feedings
or colic
I didn’t have diapers
and skinned knees
I didn’t have your first word
your first step
or your first boyfriend
I didn’t even have your
I gave birth
and then you were gone
I knew you were going
but it didn’t make it
any easier
here I am 37 years later
and I’m no more a mother
than I was the day you were born
once again
“I think you should know
that all those years ago
even thru the anesthetic
when they took you away
from me…
I heard you cry
and for all these years
even though
you didn’t know it
I loved you and still do
I just wish
I could tell you
good bye
my love”
Happy Mothers Day
to all of you mothers.